Saturday, March 1, 2008


  I'm supposed to frighten humans by stealing their pumpkins?!  What do I have to do next, carve scary faces in them and put them back in the field?  Put one on my head and run around going "wooOOOoooOOOOoooo"?  Light preserve us, we're terrifying shambling undead monsters and missing pumpkins are the best threat we can come up with?!

  Ah.  Well.  All right, the pumpkins did end up being scary.


Ratshag said...


Some humans scare easy, I guesses. Course, soon you'll be doing fer them scarlet buggers. and that'll scare folks even more.

Melindrava said...

Well, once the Apothecary has poisoned the pumpkins so that they turn any human who eats them into a shambling rotting corpse, they're genuinely frightening...

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I want to be making more Scourge. Didn't like that one.

Now, the scarlet buggers are a good target. They are too good at picking me up, though.

Mmm, eyeballs.


Melindrava said...

I'm not too worried myself. It didn't really count as making more Scourge, after all - he died quite quickly. It was a temporary shambling rotting corpse, so that's all right then...