Thursday, March 13, 2008

Eversong Woods

  I haven't headed down into the Ghostlands just yet, though I plan to soon.  I want to get used to the blood elves first, in what you might call their 'own environment'.  They're a fascinating people, but my goodness some of them are just as dark and depressed as the sillier - er, I mean gloomier - Forsaken.  Their laughs are scarier than ours, too.  And have you heard male blood elves cry?  That little "Ho hum" at the end is a trifle worrying.
  "Remember the Sunwell."  All right, I will... but just what exactly am I supposed to remember about it?  The fact that it got blown up?  Done.  Well, that was easy enough.
  "We will have justice!"  Excellent.  So will we!  Just leave Melissa out of it.
  Well, it's certainly interesting here, and I'm enjoying myself.  Besides, I may be dead but I haven't gone into rigor mortis yet, if you know what I mean... the eye candy is definitely of superior quality here.  And since I got myself a lovely Solstice Robe (which shows off some of the, er, better preserved parts of my anatomy) I've seen quite a few of the men around here checking me out.  Equal opportunity flirting, heh!

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